On behalf of the Cecil Township Police Department, I would like to thank you for visiting our website. It is our goal that you will find the information on this site not only informative, but valuable as well.
As Chief of Police, I recognize that our partnership with the community of Cecil Township is an important role for the continued success to provide a safe place for people who live, work and play in Cecil Township. We will always strive to accomplish excellence in policing and foster the highest level of public trust and safety.
We welcome your comments and suggestions concerning ways in which we can better serve you. It is an honor for me to serve Cecil Township as the Chief of Police.

- Chief Shawn F. Bukovinsky

Visit our Facebook page for specal announcements and events concerning weather, construction and spam warnings.
- For on street parking requests please call 724-320-8357 and leave a message.
A police officer will call you back.